53 :名無しさん@3周年 :sage :04/10/10 02:31:32 ID:u0vwUOqX 戦う栗花マーン!ガンバレー!♪ やっつけろー!♪ やっつけろー!♪ 空っぽ植木鉢は叩き割れ! 空高く飛べ飛べ君よ栗花マーン!♪ 54 :栗花 馨@性生活コンサルタント :04/10/10 08:26:39 ID:Sa1a4aO2 47 :栗花 馨 :04/10/03 01:14:40 ID:FI9LX7EO In a word No. The worst that you could probably do is rub your penis raw. This would hurt, and might even bleed a bit, but wouldn't cause any serious damage. Three times a day, by the way, is not an exceptional amount - especially for a teenager (don't know your age). If you want to get into the record books you are going to have to try a lot harder than that. Although I don't know any figures for masterbation, it may interest you to know that the record for the most sex by a male in any one day is held by a porn star by the name of Rocco Sifreidi - he had sex with 13 women in one day as part of a movie. And he didn't hurt himself doing it. Let me ask you a question instead Pablo. What leads you to think that it might harm you, and how do you think it might harm you? >>47 >>it may interest you to know that the record for the most sex by a male in any one day >> is held by a porn star by the name of Rocco Sifreidi - he had sex with 13 women >>in one day as part of a movie. 馬鹿なこと書いてんじゃねーYo。 アホウ。
[638]栗花 馨 06/06/02 23:20 mtzCP8sXx0
57 :Mike :04/10/20 12:25:29 ID:l5BAbSjY Hi the judge of holy members, Well I have masterbated a lot over the years (i'm embarassed to say how much a day) but when i turned 24 I started getting pain on my left side just under my rib cage. just turned 28 dont do it as much as used to can't, everything appears normal. any ideas on what this could be it does seem better if stop which is difficult? 58 :栗花 馨 :04/10/21 00:02:47 ID:G+54z3wg wazap!ol mikey - just to reply to your message and to reassure others - my working background allows me some experiance on this (I'm currently working on a urology ward for 11 weeks) - what you said sounds like a testicular torsion which is exactly as you describe, your testicle twists or otherwise gets itself in a pickle. Apart from being excruiatlingly painful this can cut off the blood supply to the testicle in the process causing it to die or become damaged requiring excision. However, this can happen to any male regardless of the size of their testicles and more often than not occur with men who have a history of problems relating to their sensitive parts-ohooh. As for masturbation - someone answered that quite well, although I don't know of any evidence that indicates that masturbation will give you problems (apart from a sore penis!) cookrekasuto! 59 :栗花 馨 :04/10/26 00:04:16 ID:YVVPF3I0 純潔 性交はもっぱら健康ないし子孫のためにのみ行い、 これにふけりて頭脳を鈍らせ、身体を弱め、 また自他の平安ないし信用を傷つけるがごときことあるべからず
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